Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blog #1 Intro

I consider home my mother's house in Higland Park, Ca. I consider that home because I lived there mostly all of my life and it's the one and only place that I feel most comfortable....The thing that I miss about being at home is always being able to wake up and see the people that loves me the most.

One way that I love to spend my free time is by going out, anywhere, I like to expose myself to new and different things. I LOVE to shop also, it's reassuring to know that you look nice on the outside even if you feel VERY bad on the inside:-) Something else that I love is music, it sort of like a free therapy session for me.

My favorite Hollywood crush is the rapper Drake, he used to be on the t.v. show "Degrassi" (yea.. i know it's sort of corny) and now he is rapping/singing with Lil Wayne and Cash Money. He not the best looking person, but it seems like he is a cool person and I like boys who can sing. By the way... his swag is amazing! I also have a baby crush on Will Smith. I love the passion that he has for acting, and the fact the fact that he is a sexy older man doesn't hurt either. From the series "The Fresh Prince of Bell Air" to the big screen he has moved almost every American in many directions. He has scared me in "Ali" and made me cry in "The Pursuit of Happyness" ( Happiness is meant to be spelled like that to emphasize the word happy) and in my eyes he is beyond worthy of an Oscar.

ldren. I love KIDs!!! (some kids)

If I could do anything that I wanted to without having to worry about money, I would SING. Music is therapeutic. I enjoy listening to it and like how it makes me feel. If I can make people feel good through music, then that will be the total satisfaction that I need in life. I can honestly say that without music I would be a lonely and empty...because when people don't understand me or I can't explain is ALWAYS the answer.

My "Cheerleaders" are my family. They always reassure me that they will always be here whenever I call. They are my support system and I realize that without them I would be lost. My mother has always engraved religion into my heart and that is why I am so accepting and less analytical.

Something that I like best about myself (personality) is how I can understand everyone's point of view, no matter if it looks like it's something bad. I like that I am not as judgmental as some people. I also have a fairly good amount of patience...sooo that helps me understand people and their situations. Something else that I like about myself (physically) is that Iam able to eat everything in a refrigeratior and not gain any type of weight. I weigh around 130lb and I like that I can mention that because some people are afraid to even bring up a conversation about how many calories that they eat...Yumm... Maybe it's my fast matabolism, but whatever... I'm happy that I have one.